Post by MissyHissy on Mar 6, 2019 16:52:55 GMT
If you could upload your package, I'll take a look for you and see if there's anything amiss. Also, just checking - I assume you didn't add a Hospital rabbithole building to your game during that play session? If so, then try reloading the save - when you place a rabbithole building down, custom careers don't show up on it until your quit and reload. It sounds like a simple typo though
Post by T1gerCat on Mar 6, 2019 17:31:37 GMT
If I may butt it, I had that happen two times. The first the career would show in Moonlight Falls but not in Sunset Valley and the second it wouldn't show up anywhere. After trial and error (and much hair pulling) I just gave a MF sim the career and then moved him to SV where, magically, the career decided to show up just fine. The second time it was my own fault as I had completely skipped a bit of the tutorial with the dll's.
It sounds crazy but did you try other towns to see if the career shows there?
Again, sorry for butting in.
Post by MissyHissy on Mar 7, 2019 8:34:37 GMT
You're not butting in at all! With this game, I don't think anything's too crazy. On that subject, you haven't set the rabbithole as one of the combo rabbitholes, have you?
Post by T1gerCat on Mar 7, 2019 12:57:53 GMT
Me? Never, I always set the lone rabbitholes in the careers. It's weird but I have noticed that switching towns or saves sort of causes rabbitholes to reset which tends to fix problems like careers not showing up or careers still showing up as "joincareernocareer+numbers" even after I've updated the career file with the numbers.
Post by MissyHissy on Mar 7, 2019 13:04:44 GMT
I didn't think you would have. How strange that switching saves will reset the rabbitholes. I don't think I'll ever actually understand this game
Post by T1gerCat on Mar 7, 2019 13:31:22 GMT
Me neither, lol. Berry said she didn't have any error messages and since neither did I and my solution was so weird, I thought I'd share it!
Post by MissyHissy on Mar 7, 2019 13:42:59 GMT
Well thanks very much for the tip. If it helps, then it can only be a good thing
Post by T1gerCat on Mar 7, 2019 14:52:55 GMT
Here's hoping! By the way, can I ask a question? Do you think/know if rabbitholes have a maximum number of careers attached to them? I had downloaded your Airline career in the military base and it wouldn't show up until I removed a different career from MTS (decided to make my own similar career) and then Airline showed up perfectly. It could have been a fluke but it got me thinking.
Edit to add: both my career and the airline one show up perfectly now in the same rabbithole.
Post by MissyHissy on Mar 7, 2019 15:03:34 GMT
I don't think there is a limit, no. It can definitely get crowded at the rabbitholes with lots of careers placed there. So it could just be a fluke. Since both my airline and your career show up, I'll say it is a fluke
Post by T1gerCat on Mar 7, 2019 15:22:28 GMT
That's good to know. I have a tendency to use the same rabbitholes for most of my careers (a warehouse13 themed career wouldn't make much sense if it was put in the Bistro, for example but it makes sense if it is in the Vault of Antiquity) so I was wondering, lol.
Post by MissyHissy on Mar 7, 2019 15:32:25 GMT
I know what you mean. I tend to overuse the Business and Journalism rabbithole because so many of the careers I make are office-oriented. I think if there was a limit, I'd have found it by now!
Post by T1gerCat on Mar 7, 2019 15:54:02 GMT
You and me both!
Post by Berry on Mar 9, 2019 12:40:47 GMT
If I may butt it, I had that happen two times. The first the career would show in Moonlight Falls but not in Sunset Valley and the second it wouldn't show up anywhere. After trial and error (and much hair pulling) I just gave a MF sim the career and then moved him to SV where, magically, the career decided to show up just fine. The second time it was my own fault as I had completely skipped a bit of the tutorial with the dll's. It sounds crazy but did you try other towns to see if the career shows there? Again, sorry for butting in. You're not butting in at all! I appreciate the help. I did try running the career in two different towns, yes! I tend to test in Sunset Valley but to double-check I also attempted to use my current playing town (Riverview) to no avail T_T But thank you for the suggestion! In response to Missy's question, no I didn't manually place the rabbithole down. I was aiming just to use the Hospital rabbithole as with your Nursing and Veterinary careers, both of which I have installed and work properly. I will upload and send you my package (oo-er) to have a look over!
Post by kobud4 on May 23, 2019 3:43:43 GMT
"Follow down the rest of the file. Copy the <KEY> lines into the thin box, press Add, then paste the contents of the <STR> line into the large box on the right." Hi, I don't know if this forum is still active, but I came across this post and wanted to try this out. I was doing fine until I got to pasting the <STR> line into the box on the right. For some reason it won't paste. I was wondering if something in the program changed. Will I have to type it out instead?
Post by MissyHissy on May 28, 2019 9:52:39 GMT
Hi there kobud4 ! Yes, the forum is still active, just a little quiet. Nothing's changed with the program, you just need to press Ctrl + Z to paste into the box