Post by MissyHissy on Dec 28, 2019 11:02:48 GMT
Creating A Sims 3 Career: The Mega Tutorial Hello, and welcome to the Job Centre. You're interested in creating a career for the Sims 3? That's excellent! Pull up a chair and make yourself some coffee. IntroductionMany people, when they decide to start a project like this, will have a very ambitious idea in mind. Often the reason for this is because nobody else has done what they're looking for. Maybe it's a little complex, or maybe there are people around who can do it but are busy, or not taking requests. So learning how to do it yourself is often the best avenue of approach. However, most tutorials don't cater for the ambitious beginner and it can be easy to feel discouraged if you have to start with a smaller project, far from what you originally wanted to do. This tutorial is designed for the ambitious beginner, the veteran looking to enhance their existing career or simply for someone wanting to develop their career creating skills. In a nutshell, it's for everybody, however simple or complex you want the career to be. This is the Mega Tutorial. So make sure you top up that coffee! In this tutorial, we're going to create the Sims 3 Career Creator career, so you can see how to go about doing all these things. This will help you to grasp the basic process as you go along and show you exactly how different features work. In this tutorial, I cover everything from my Basic Career Creating tutorial as well as most of the smaller tutorials I've written over the past four years. This will, quite literally, be a cumulative collection of all the knowledge and skills I've developed over the course of more than seven years of creating Sims 3 careers. I'll be splitting this into several posts so you can take a break and come back to the tutorial whenever you like. Don't feel you have to complete it in one day - a career like this sometimes takes me weeks so never give up! Every bug can be fixed or worked around! Still interested? Then settle down with a notepad and pencil (or a Word document), flex your fingers and get ready to start planning! Contents
Post by MissyHissy on Dec 28, 2019 11:05:06 GMT
Planning Your Career This is an incredibly important step for any career creator. If you do this step properly and in as much detail as you can then the coding will come along a lot faster later because you'll already have this information written out. The Structure
• Career Title ~ This is the in-game title of your career. This will be the alternative GUID name for your career, so keep it simple. It doesn't need 'Career' added to it. Example: CareerCreator • Job Offer ~ This is the descriptive text shown when your Sim joins your new career. Example: Career Creating is an exciting venture into some basic coding. Ever fancied a new job for your legacy heir but tired of the career already in game? Why not sign up and learn to create your own careers? You won't regret it. • Levels ~ These are the Job Titles for each level of your career. If your career has a split branch, it's a good idea to plan those levels out to. You can have as few levels as you like (you can definitely only have one level) or as many as you like. Note: The code I use only goes up to ten levels. I've never experimented going beyond this but you're welcome to try for yourself. • Level Descriptions ~ The descriptions for each level of your career. Get creative with these, especially if you're planning on sharing your career. • Wages Per Hour ~ Self explanatory, this is how much your Sims get paid per hour. This value can be set to 0 or even a negative number. Remember though that negative numbers will take money away from your household funds each day, so bear this in mind when deciding on this. • Retirement Pension Pay ~ The amount your Sim will receive when they retire from the career, depending on which level they are at. Unlike the wages, this figure is the daily payment, not hourly so bear this in mind. • Work Start Time ~ The hour your Sim will start work each day. This is in 24 hour clock format. • Wake Up Time ~ Usually about two hours before the Work Start Time, this figure defines what time your Sim will be woken if asleep before working. It doesn't have to be two hours before - this is entirely up to you. Also in 24 hour format. • Day Length ~ Quite simply, how many hours your Sim will work in a day at each level. You can use half hours if you wish. Note: You can also factor in Downtown work hours, if you wish. This will mean your career would have different Start Time, Wake Up Time and Day Length in worlds classed as a city, such as Bridgeport. • Days to Work ~ Defines which days of the week your Sim will work, at each level. This should be in capitals with no spaces, separated by commas: M,T,W,R,F,S,U. (R is for Thursday and U is for Sunday). • Metrics ~ Metrics define what your Sim needs to go to get promoted for each level. I go into more detail on these later but typically, you can choose skills, mood and relationship with co-workers or boss. There are other values you can include and these are featured further down. • Carpool Type ~ This is the car that collects your Sim for work. You may leave these blank if you don't want a carpool for your career. If you do choose to use one, here's a list of the commonly used carpool types: CarBusSchool CarExpensive1 CarExpensive2 CarHatchback CarLimoBlue CarLimoPink CarLimoWhite CarNormal1 CarPickup2Door CarPolice CarSedan CarServiceFiretruck CarSports CarUsed1 CarUsed2 CarVan4Door Limo Taxi <-- So far doesn't appear to work as a valid carpool. Further testing to confirm this is required. If we can confirm it doesn't work, I'll remove it from the list. • Coworker Title ~ The name that appears beneath your coworkers in the relationship panel. Example: "Coworker" • Coworker Metric Title ~ The name that appears in the metrics part of the job panel, when they show as a requirement for promotion. For example, "Creators". • Tones ~ The tones are what your Sim is doing while they're at work. These are in the drop-down menu in the top left of the screen while your Sim works. They can be fully customised to suit your career. The standard tones typically are: Business as Usual; Work Hard; Take It Easy; Meet Coworkers; Hang With Coworkers; Suck Up To Boss; Sleep At Work. These, however, can be fully customised to suit your career. Careers also often include skill booster tones, which help to build one or several skills needed for promotion. You can also include Metric Booster tones, Motive Booster tones or a simple Performance Booster tone. • Boss ~ Decide whether your career will have a Boss or not. This can be decided on a per-level basis. It's often a good idea not to have a boss for the highest level of your career, since it doesn't make much sense for your top-level Sim to have a boss at a junior level but it's entirely up to you, really. • Rabbithole ~ It's a good idea to decide early on which rabbithole your career will appear in. I don't recommend using the Combo rabbitholes. The careers often don't seem to show up on these. But if your career is based at CityHall, for example, it will show on any combo rabbitholes. So bear that in mind. The choices are: o Arboretum (Requires Supernatural) o Bookstore o BusinessAndJournalism o CityHall o DaySpa o EquestrianCenter (Requires Pets) o Grocery o GypsyCaravan (Requires Supernatural) o Hideout o Hospital o Mausoleum o MiltaryBase o MovieSet o PoliceStation o Restaurant o School o ScienceLab o Stadium o Subway o Theatre o VaultOfAntiquity (Requires Supernatural) • Opportunities ~ When you're also adding Opportunities to your career, it's a good idea to draw up a basic plan for those, too. Basic information includes: • Opportunity Name ~ This will be the actual name of your opportunity. This will be important. Note. For ease of coding, EA often shorten the names of their opportunities in the code itself. This is absolutely fine to do (I do it often myself) as long as the actual name in the code matches everywhere. This will be explained in more detail later. • Description ~ What is your opportunity about? What’s the story? What’s happened at work to prompt this opportunity? This will be your basic description when the opportunity presents itself in game. Be creative – it’s fun to have a bit of a back story when your Sim is at work! • Rewards ~ If your Sim is going to take part in this opportunity, what will they gain from doing so? Money, Celebrity Points, Moodlets, Career performance? More on this later. • Failure ~ If your opportunity has a time limit, what happens if your Sim misses the deadline? What penalties will be incurred? Loss of career performance, reduced relationship with a boss or co-workers, negative moodlet? More on this later. • Level Availability ~ What levels do you want this opportunity to be available at? • Uniforms ~ if you're going to include uniforms in your career, it's a good idea to have some plans in place for what they're going to be. If you're going to go with uniforms EA has used in some of their careers, then it's a good idea to find them in the game's code and copy the names. However, if you want to make them yourself, try and decide early on what outfits you're going to pick. More on these later. So that's the bulk of the planning done. Give yourself a pat on the back and perhaps a coffee. You've earned it!
Post by MissyHissy on Dec 28, 2019 11:05:50 GMT
Renaming And Preparing Your PackageYou Will Need: Sims 3 Package EditorYour NotesSTBL Creator by TwallanBootstrap Creator by TwallanBLANK Career FileNraas Careers ModA Graphics Editor (I use GIMP, which is free and simple to use. But theoretically, any graphics editor should do.) I recommend using Notepad ++. It's a free program and makes the creating process a lot easier and clearer. It's not a requirement, but I do strongly recommend it. S3pe supports Notepad and that's the standard go-to to edit the files. However, if you do want to use Notepad ++, you'll need to set it up as the external Text Editor in s3pe. This is really easy to do. In s3pe, go to Settings --> External Programs. Tick the box beside 'Use an external text editor' and navigate to the application file for Notepad ++. Select that and press OK. Save the setting (Settings --> Save settings). So let's get started! First of all, rename the BLANK career package to whatever you wish. I usually use something like "CareerCreatorCareer" or something along those lines. But it's entirely up to you. Each career has its own unique ID instance number, so this needs to be changed for your career. In order to do this, we need to open up your new career package in s3pe. So open s3pe and go to File --> Open and browse for your newly renamed package, in this case "CareerCreatorCareer". You will see a number of files within your package. These should be: 70214830780050.dll 70214830780050.dll Blank.Books Blank.CareerEvents Blank.Careers Blank.Opportunities Blank.Tones Blank_Pic Blank_Pic_s Strings Blank UnhashedKeys The order of these doesn't matter, although they can be reordered by selecting Name, if you prefer to have them match the above list. You need to create a new .dll file for the career to be truly unique. This is done by simply running the Bootstrap Creator program you downloaded earlier. You'll see in your folder a new file generate, looking a little like this: 88012566339083.dll (The number will be different for everyone - this is good). Go back to your career package and find the 70214830780050.dll with an S3SA tag beside it. Right-click and select Import DLL and navigate to your newly generated .dll file. Select Yes to continue. S3PE has now crossed out the old file and your new one appears underneath. Save now. You'll see the old file has been removed, leaving your new one in its place. Now, you'll want to return to your new .dll file in the folder and copy the full name (including the .dll). To do this quickly, right-click and select Rename and press Ctrl+C on your keyboard. Double click on the first 70214830780050.dll in your career package. This brings up the Resource Details window. Remove the old Name and paste in your new one. Press FNV64 to change the instance id and click OK to save your changes. Repeat this for the second .dll file. Once you've done this, both .dll files should display the new set of numbers you generated. Now, double click on the Blank.Careers file. Once again, this brings up the Resource Details window. Replace the BLANK with the career title (in this case, EstateAgent). Press FNV64 to rehash to your new name and press OK to save the changes. Do the same with the BLANK.Tones, BLANK.Books, BLANK.CareerEvents and BLANK.Opportunities files. Save your changes. Your files should now look a little like this: 88012566339083.dll 88012566339083.dll CareerCreator.Books CareerCreator.CareerEvents CareerCreator.Careers CareerCreator.Opportunities CareerCreator.Tones Blank_Pic Blank_Pic_s Strings Blank UnhashedKeys Remember, your numbers will be different to mine, as will your career name. Now, right-click on the .dll with an XML tag next to it and select Notepad (or Text Editor, if you're using Notepad ++ or another external text editor). Change the BLANKs in there to match the file names you edited just now. So for me, this would be: CareerCreator.Books; CareerCreator.Careers; CareerCreator.CareerEvents; CareerCreator.Opportunities and CareerCreator.Tones. Go to File --> Save to save the changes to the file and close Notepad. Select Yes to continue and once again, you'll see the old file crossed out. Save the package again, and the old file will disappear. If at any time you're creating a career and won't be using custom books, opportunities or events then you can remove those files and the references to them. Looking good so far!
Post by MissyHissy on Dec 28, 2019 11:06:23 GMT
Career ImagesFor the career images, I'm a big fan of using EA icons. I personally feel they blend the custom career into the game better. Obviously, you can use whatever image you please. But in case you're interested in using EA icons, I have zipped up all the icons I have and made them available to download Here . Now I downloaded these from sim.mixei.ru, but unfortunately, a lot of the links no longer seem to work. It's advisable to have transparent backgrounds for your images but again, it's not required. Inside your career package, you'll see these two files: Blank_Pic Blank_Pic_s These will become your images for your career. To edit them, you need to export both files. So right-click on the first one and choose Export --> To file and save it somewhere (preferably in your working folder). Do the same for the second file. The images are both a different size. One is 54x54 and the other is 24x24. Your new images must be the same size as these. They won't display in-game properly if they're bigger then this. The easiest way to edit your images is to open you chosen image in your graphics editor and Resize to 54x54 and save it as the file name with Blank_Pic in it (yes, overwrite the file). Then resize again to 24x24 and save it as the file name with Blank_Pic_s in it (yes, overwrite this file too). Once you've done that, go back to your career package and right click on Blank_Pic and select Replace. Navigate to the correct file (the one named Blank_Pic). Do the same for the second image file. Double click on the first image file and change the Blank to match your career name. In this case, it'd be "CareerCreator_Pic". Press FNV64 and then ok. Do the same for the second image file. Save your package. The files should now look something like this: 88012566339083.dll 88012566339083.dll CareerCreator.Books CareerCreator.CareerEvents CareerCreator.Careers CareerCreator.Opportunities CareerCreator.Tones CareerCreator_Pic CareerCreator_Pic_s Strings Blank UnhashedKeys
Post by MissyHissy on Dec 28, 2019 11:06:51 GMT
The Careers File: Part 1Now we're going to begin some real coding. In your career package file, find your CareerCreator.Careers file. Right-click on it and select Notepad (Or Text Editor, for Notepad ++ users). This will bring your file up in Notepad and we're ready to start editing. This is where you refer to the plans you wrote out at the beginning. I will talk you through each section of this file. I'll break it down into sections of code to make this easier to follow. This first section contains information that, in general, will affect your whole career. You can actually edit any of these values, although some do get edited further down. The BLANKs in this section are fairly self explanatory: < MinCoworkers> ~ Literally the minimum numbers of coworkers the game should produce for your career. < MaxCoworkers> ~ The maximum number of coworkers you want the game to produce for your career. < CoworkerPool> ~ The name of the group of coworkers. I usually put something like CareerCreatorPool. This value will help the game separate the coworkers for this career from all others in the rabbithole. Other tags worth noting in this section: < Category> ~ This usually stays at FullTime but if you're creating a part time job, then this should be changed to PartTime. < Ages> ~ This works if you're using the OmniCareer scripting class (more on this later). If you want your career to be restricted to certain ages, make use of this tag. This is usually used for Teen careers (T) or for Elder specific (E). It can also be used if you wanted to create a child-only career (C). If however you want it to be a standard career for Young Adults, Adults and Elders, leave this tag blank. < CareerName> ~ Straightforward. This is your career name, with no spaces. Example: "CareerCreator" < MinCoworkers> ~ Same as earlier. < MaxCoworkers> ~ Same as earlier. < WorkHardTone> ~ This is fairly obvious. Simply decide what you want your Work Hard tone to be called. < TakeItEasyTone> ~ As above, fairly self explanatory. < MeetCoworkersTone> ~ Likewise, very straightforward. < HangWithCoworkers> ~ Very straightforward. With these four Tone tags, you can either keep them the same or change them completely. Similarly, if you wanted to use the < SuckUpToBossTone> and/or < SleepAtWorkTone>, the same applies. Simply add them into the code in this section. There are two more tags I want to feature before we move further down this section. The first is the <FullClassName>. Now this tag is really important. This is going to define your career by giving you the opportunity to decide how you want the career to behave. The full list of EA class names are: Sims3.Gameplay.Careers.ArtAppraiserCareer Sims3.Gameplay.Careers.Astronomer Sims3.Gameplay.Careers.BotArenaCareer Sims3.Gameplay.Careers.Business, Sims3GameplaySystems Sims3.Gameplay.Careers.Criminal, Sims3GameplaySystems Sims3.Gameplay.Careers.Culinary, Sims3GameplaySystems Sims3.Gameplay.Careers.Education, Sims3GameplaySystems Sims3.Gameplay.Careers.Film, Sims3GameplaySystems Sims3.Gameplay.Careers.FortuneTellerCareer Sims3.Gameplay.Careers.GameDeveloperCareer Sims3.Gameplay.Careers.Journalism, Sims3GameplaySystems Sims3.Gameplay.Careers.LawEnforcement, Sims3GameplaySystems Sims3.Gameplay.Careers.Medical, Sims3GameplaySystems Sims3.Gameplay.Careers.Military, Sims3GameplaySystems Sims3.Gameplay.Careers.Music, Sims3GameplaySystems Sims3.Gameplay.Careers.Political, Sims3GameplaySystems Sims3.Gameplay.Careers.ProSports, Sims3GameplaySystems Sims3.Gameplay.Careers.Science, Sims3GameplaySystems Sims3.Gameplay.Careers.SportsAgentCareer For Part Time Careers: Sims3.Gameplay.Careers.PTAlienTestSubject, Sims3GameplaySystems Sims3.Gameplay.Careers.PTBookstoreClerk, Sims3GameplaySystems Sims3.Gameplay.Careers.PTClothingStoreClerk, Sims3GameplaySystems Sims3.Gameplay.Careers.PTDaySpaReceptionist, Sims3GameplaySystems Sims3.Gameplay.Careers.PTDaySpaSpecialist, Sims3GameplaySystems Sims3.Gameplay.Careers.PTFilm, Sims3GameplaySystems Sims3.Gameplay.Careers.PTGroceryStoreClerk, Sims3GameplaySystems For Schools: Sims3.Gameplay.Careers.SchoolElementary, Sims3GameplaySystems Sims3.Gameplay.Careers.SchoolHigh, Sims3GameplaySystems However the major one for career creators is: NRaas.Gameplay.Careers.OmniCareer, NRaasCareer These classes will define your career because they'll control what extra options your career has. For example, I often use the Medical class for my medical careers, so the chance for Sims to fall ill on community lots with your active Sim becomes a feature. There are a lot of additional features available for use with the Omni Career, thanks to Twallan for the effort he put in. A separate thread is available featuring all these changes. Back to your career! In this template, I've used the OmniCareer class so that we have freedom with the career. Feel free to change this to whatever you like and don't be afraid to experiment! The other tag I wanted to feature is the <Guid> tag. This needs to be an EA career, so I generally pick one that is the closest to what my career is and/or corresponds with the class I've chosen. Now I'll go through the BLANKs. < AltGuid> ~ This needs to be the name of your career. Example: CareerCreator < TableName> ~ Again, the name of your career. < TextJobOffer> ~ The name of your career, with 'Offer' at the end. Example: CareerCreatorOffer < Text_Retirement> ~ Your career name with 'Retirement' at the end. Example: CareerCreatorRetirement The following three are only applicable if your career will be splitting into branches. < Text_BranchOffer> ~ The name of your career with 'BranchOffer' at the end. Example: CareerCreatorBranchOffer < Text_BranchName1> ~ The name of your first branch. < Text_BranchName2> ~ The name of your second branch. < WorkInteractionIcon> ~ This value needs to match the image in your file. Example: CareerCreator_Pic_s < DreamsAndPromisesIcon> ~ This needs to match your other image file. Example: CareerCreator_Pic < RabbitholeType> ~ Very straightforward, this is the rabbithole you want to associate the career with. Take a little break here. We're going to be talking about Metrics next, which will be important for the next couple of steps.
Post by MissyHissy on Dec 28, 2019 11:07:19 GMT
Understanding Metrics Metrics are the requirements for promotion. Each level can have a maximum for 4 metrics, which can be a mixture of Mood, Skill, Relationship with Coworkers or the Boss and a few other special metrics, which I'll cover further down. For each metric, you have to decide what is defined as 'Awful', 'Normal' and 'Outstanding'. This is defined in the <Mappings> tag. Mood Metric
<Metric1>Sims3.Gameplay.Careers.MetricMood, Sims3GameplaySystems</Metric1> <Mappings1>-500,0,50</Mappings1> The <Metric> tag here shows we're using the Mood metric. The <Mappings> tag defines the Awful, Normal and Outstanding values. In this example, -500 is set for Awful. -500 mood in game is impossible, so by setting this it makes it impossible for your Sim to get an Awful mood performance. 0 is set for the Normal value and 50 is set for the Outstanding. A value of 100 would indicate a full green mood bar and a value of -100 would indicate a full red bar, so bear that in mind when setting these values. Skill Metric
<Metric2>SkillX</Metric2> <Mappings2>-2,0,2</Mappings> <Args2>Charisma</Args2> The first line indicates it's a Skill metric we're working with. The second line defines the Awful, Normal and Outstanding values. So in this example, -2 (which is impossible) would be Awful, 0 is Normal and 2 would be Outstanding. Do you see the pattern here? The third line, the argument, defines which skill you're referring to. Skill names are found in the GameplayData files but I've compiled a list of the visible skills available. - Athletic
- Bartending (Requires Late Night)
- BassGuitar (Requires Late Night)
- BotBuilding (Requires Into the Future)
- Charisma
- Drums (Requires Late Night)
- Fishing
- Future (Requires Into the Future)
- Gardening
- Guitar
- Handiness
- Inventing (Requires Ambitions)
- LaserHarp (Requires Into the Future)
- Logic
- MartialArts (Requires World Adventures)
- Nectar (Requires World Adventures)
- Painting
- Photography (Requires World Adventures or University)
- Piano (Requires Late Night)
- Riding (Requires Pets)
- Science (Requires University)
- ScubaDiving (Requires Island Paradise)
- Sculpting (Requires Ambitions)
- SocialNetworking (Requires University)
- Spellcraft (Requires Supernatural)
- StreetArt (Requires University)
- Writing
Hidden skills are also able to be used in this metric and I've compiled a list of them here: - AirGuitar (Max Level: 10)
- ArcadeMachine (Max Level: 10)
- BallFighting (Requires Seasons) (Max Level: 3)
- Bowling (Requires University) (Max Level: 5)
- BroomRiding (Requires Supernatural) (Max Level: 10)
- Bubbles (Requires Late Night) (Max Level: 10)
- Chess (Max Level: 10)
- ClubDancing (Requires Late Night) (Max Level: 3)
- Collecting (Max Level: 10)
- Consignment (Requires Ambitions) (Max Level: 10)
- Dancing (Max Level: 3)
- Darts (Requires Late Night) (Max Level: 10)
- Diving (Max Level: 2)
- DJTurntable (Requires Showtime) (Max Level: 5)
- Dominoes (Requires Showtime) (Max Level: 10)
- FairyMagic (Requires Supernatural) (Max Level: 10)
- Firewalking (requires Island Paradise) (Max Level: 2)
- Foosball (Max Level: 10)
- Gambling (Requires Showtime) (Max Level: 10)
- Gnubb (Requires Ambitions) (Max Level: 10)
- Golfing (Requires Showtime) (Max Level: 10)
- Hacking (Max Level: 10)
- Homework (Max Level: 10)
- Horseshoes (Requires Seasons) (Max Level: 10)
- InfluenceNerd (Requires University) (Max Level: 10)
- InfluenceRebel (Requires University) (Max Level: 10)
- InfluenceSocialite (Requires University) (Max Level: 10)
- Karaoke (Requires Showtime) (Max Level: 3
- LearnToDrive (Requires Generations) (Max Level: 3)
- Lycanthropy (Requires Supernatural) (max Level: 10)
- Mooch (Max Level: 10)
- PingPong (Requires University) (Max Level: 5)
- Pool (Requires Showtime/University/Into the Future) (Max Level: 10)
- RockBand (Requires Late Night) (Max Level: 1)
- Shuffleboard (Requires Late Night) (Max Level: 10)
- Skating (Requires Seasons) (Max Level: 6)
- SnakeCharming (Requires World Adventures) (Max Level: 10)
- Spellcasting (Requires Supernatural) (Max Level: 10)
- Snowboarding (Requires Seasons) (Max Level: 2)
- Styling (Requires Ambitions) (Max Level: 10)
- Tattooing (Requires Ambitions) (Max Level: 10)
- Trampoline (Requires Ambitions) (Max Level: 10)
- VideoGame (Max Level: 10)
- Waterskiing (Requires Island Paradise) (Max Level: 10)
- Windsurfing (Requires Island Paradise) (Max Level: 10)
- WildlifeFriend (Requires Pets) (Max Level: 6)
It's also possible to use skills from the Store and I've compiled a list of those too: - ArtisanSkillStore (Max Level: 10)
- CastingStore (Max Level: 10)
- DanceSkillStore (Max Level: 10)
- GamblingSkillStore (Max Level: 10)
- SurfingSkillStore (Max Level: 10)
- ViolinSkillStore (Max Level: 10)
Custom SkillsYou can also use custom skills for your careers. The metric for custom skills looks like this: <Metric2> NRaas.Gameplay.OmniSpace.Metrics.MetricSkillX, NRaasCareer</Metric2> <Mappings2>3,5,7</Mappings2> <Args2> ArsilProgrammingSkillName</Args2> The same rules as normal skill metrics apply. I've made a small list of custom skills I'm aware of to get your started: - ArsilProgrammingSkillName
- NRaasAssassination
- NRaasKamaSimtra
If you have another custom skill you want to use, simply open the package up in s3pe and find an XML filed that gives you the <SkillName> tag. Copy the name and paste that into the <Args> tag for your career. Coworker Relationship
<Metric3>RelCoworker</Metric3> <Mappings3>-500,0,30</Mappings3> As before, the first line is telling us this is relating to your sims relationship with their coworkers. The second line, once again, defines the Awful, Normal and Outstanding values. So -500 is Awful, 0 is Normal and 30 is Outstanding. A value of -100 would be a fully negative relationship, a value of 100 is a fully positive relationship and a value of 50 would be a 'friend', so bear that in mind when using these values. Boss Relationship<Metric3>RelBoss</Metric3> <Mappings3>0,10,25</Mappings3> Exactly the same as the Coworker relationship but with the Boss instead. The minus figures used in the metrics allow Sims just joining a career to begin with Normal career performance, instead of Awful. However this is not a requirement and is entirely up to you. Metrics can be used in any order and with any combination, although each level supports 4 metrics. Special MetricsThis section is devoted to metrics which are a little different. Some came with later expansions, others are featured in some of the base game careers. The OmniCareer class features a lot of these special metrics, including: - NRaas.Gameplay.OmniSpace.Metrics.MetricConcertsPerformed, NRaasCareer
- NRaas.Gameplay.OmniSpace.Metrics.MetricJournals, NRaasCareer
- NRaas.Gameplay.OmniSpace.Metrics.MetricMeetingsHeld
- NRaas.Gameplay.OmniSpace.Metrics.MetricRecruitment, NRaasCareer
- NRaas.Gameplay.OmniSpace.Metrics.MetricRelPartner, NRaasCareer
- NRaas.Gameplay.OmniSpace.Metrics.MetricReportsWritten, NRaasCareer
- NRaas.Gameplay.OmniSpace.Metrics.MetricSkillX, NRaasCareer
- NRaas.Gameplay.OmniSpace.Metrics.MetricStoriesAndReviews, NRaasCareer
- NRaas.Gameplay.OmniSpace.Metrics.MetricWinLossRecord, NRaasCareer
Of course, if you've chosen to use one of EA's classes for your career, then the metrics corresponding to that class work as intended: - CampaignMoney ~ Used with the Political career class. The mappings define how much money should be gathered. Example: <Mappings3>-1,0,5000</Mappings3>
- MedicalJournals ~ Used with the Medical career class ONLY if you want to use the medical journals EA created. If you want to create your own set of journals, use the OmniCareer journal metric above.
- RelPartner ~ Used with the Law Enforcement career class. Simply replacing 'Coworkers' with 'Partner'.
- PoliceReports ~ Used with the Law Enforcement career class, for writing up police reports.
- ConcertsPerformed ~ Used with the Music career class. The mappings define how many concerts need to be performed.
- StoriesAndReviews ~ Used with the Journalism career class. The mappings define how many stories or reviews need to be written.
- HoldMeetings ~ Used with the Business career class. The mappings define how many meetings need to be held.
- WinLossRecord ~ Used with the Professional Sports career class. The mappings define how many matches need to be won/lost.
- GiveLectures ~ Used with the Education career class. The mappings define how many lectures need to be given.
- Homework ~ Used for schools, with the correct class. Mappings refer to percentage to be completed.
- CelebrityLevel ~ Doesn't require any career class to be used. This metric works very similarly to the skill metrics and the mappings define the celebrity level required.
- ReadingsPerformed ~ Used with the Fortune Teller career class. The mappings refer to how many readings have to be performed.
- GameHoursPlayed ~ Used with the Video Game Developer career class. The mappings refer to the hours played.
- ArtWorkScanned ~ Used with the Art Appraiser career class. The mappings to refer to the number of art works scanned.
- SuperTuneUps ~ Used with the Bot Arena career class. Mappings refer to the number of super tune ups needed.
- CompetitionsPromoted ~ Used with the Bot Arena career class. Mappings refer to the number of competition promotions needed.
That's all for the Metrics section. Next, we'll go back to our career and continue coding the basics.
Post by MissyHissy on Dec 28, 2019 11:07:43 GMT
The Careers File: Part 2Now we're going to move on to the next part of the main .Careers files. This next section is where you code the information for each level of your career. This is where you'll set the job titles for each level, the wages, pension pay, days to work, working hours, the metrics and your carpool. So make sure you have your notes at hand, because they're going to be important and will allow you to complete this section a lot faster. So this is what you'll find in the section for the levels. I'll break this down a bit for you. The first BLANK is your opening tag for the level. Every level will have this opening and closing tag and it needs to be your career name. < HasBoss> ~ This tag defines whether the level has a boss or not. If you plan nearly every level to have a boss, then fill this tag in with True. If you fill this in here, you won't need to do it for each level unless you plan on a level NOT having a boss. Then you add this tag into that level and change the True to False. < CoworkerTitle> ~ Remember I told you to decide what your coworkers would be called? Well this is where the code is for that. So this will define what your colleagues are referred to when they're in your relationship panel. < CoworkerMetricTitle> ~ This is the code to define what the Metric will show as in the career panel if you have a ReCoworkers metric. The tags in italics all require you to use the OmniCareer class before they will work. These are simple True/False values. The last BLANK should be the same as the first. This is your closing tag. Let's do an example level: So the opening and closing tags should be your career name. Most of these should be fairly self explanatory but I'll go through them all anyway, in case you're stuck. < Title> ~ Your level title. < BasePay> ~ Pay per hour. < PensionPay> ~ The money, per day, your sim receives if they retire at this level. < WakeUpTime> ~ The time at which your sim will wake up if they're asleep before work. < StartTime> ~ The time at which work starts. < DayLength> ~ How many hours will your sim work? < DowntownWakeupTime> ~ What time will your sim wake up if they live in the city? < DowntownStartTime> ~ That time at which work starts in the city. < DowntownDayLength> ~ How many hours will your sim work if they live in the city. NOTE: If you're planning for these times to be the same regardless of where the sim lives, then you can simply remove the lines of code relating to Downtown. < DaysToWork> ~ What days your sim will go to work at this level. Simply remove the letters you don't wish to use. Remember: M = Monday T = Tuesday W = Wednesday R = Thursday F = Friday S = Saturday U = Sunday The next section covers your metrics. Simply add or subtract fields to define how many metrics you want. If you're not sure, refer to the previous section on Understanding Metrics. < CarpoolType> ~ Simply select the carpool you want from the list in the planning section of the tutorial. Make sure you fill out all the levels you'll need for your career. If you have used a split branch, then you'll need to create extra levels for them. If you're ever not sure, don't be afraid to open up any of my existing careers to see what the code looks like. Once you've finished the file, make sure you save and close. Click yes when prompted by s3pe and save. Take a break, have a coffee and pat yourself on the back. That's the core coding done for your career!
Post by MissyHissy on Dec 28, 2019 11:08:07 GMT
Branched CareersIf you're not planning on using branches in your career, you cab delete the BranchName and BranchSource fields and skip to the next section. Split branch careers aren't difficult once you get the hang of them. If your career has a branch split, then each branched level needs this added: <BranchName></BranchName> <BranchSource></BranchSource> Quite simply, the BranchName is the name of your branch and the Branch Source should be 'Base' unless you've split a branch again. In which case the original branch becomes the source and the new branch becomes the name. I'm going to use my Medic career as an example to explain this a little more clearly. In the first section of the .Careers file, this is what the career has. <Text_BranchOffer>MedicBranchOffer</Text_BranchOffer> <Text_BranchName1>GeneralPractionerBranch</Text_BranchName1> <Text_BranchName2>SurgeonBranch</Text_BranchName2> <Text_BranchName3>GeneralPractioner2Branch</Text_BranchName3> <Text_BranchName4>PsychiatryBranch</Text_BranchName4> This is because I have three branches in the career. The process isn't all that different to a normal split. As far as the levels are concerned, it's fairly straightforward. My first split is after level 2. So for the first level of the GP branch, my code looks like this: <BranchName> GeneralPractionerBranch</BranchName> <BranchSource> Base</BranchSource> The 'Base' is because it's branching from the main career. The second split for this career comes after level three. So for the first branch of the Psychiatrist branch, the code looks like this: <BranchName> PsychiatryBranch</BranchName> <BranchSource> GeneralPractionerBranch</BranchSource> So the BranchSource this time is the name of the original branch. Making sense now? Remember: when you split your career into branches, each branch has its own set of levels. So if your career has split into two branches, 'Beginner' and 'Advanced', at level 5, then both branches needs a level 6, a level 7 and so on. Don't forget that when adding new levels for the career.
Post by MissyHissy on Dec 28, 2019 11:08:28 GMT
Uniforms If you're adding uniforms to your career, then this is the code you'll need for each level that has a uniform: <OutfitMale></OutfitMale> <OutfitFemale></OutfitFemale> <OutfitMaleElder></OutfitMaleElder> <OutfitFemaleElder></OutfitFemaleElder> To include Teen uniforms, you need to be using the OmniCareer class and have set the <Age> tag to include T for teen. Once those are done, add this for the teen uniforms: <OutfitMaleTeen></OutfitMaleTeen> <OutfitFemaleTeen></OutfitFemaleTeen> Uniforms are surprisingly easy to do, once you know how. I highly recommend adding uniforms to your careers, This is because since Patch 1.31, career outfits were messed up in levels which do not have uniforms set. There are two ways of adding uniforms to your careers. Depending on what kind of uniform you want, there's an easy way and a more complex way. Using EA's standard uniforms
This is the simplest way and perfect if the career you're creating closely resembles an EA career. First, open up s3pe and open the GameplayData file. This can be found in C:\ProgramFiles (x86)\Origin Games\The Sims 3\Bin\Gameplay OR C:\ProgramFiles (x86)\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Bin\Gameplay, depending on how you installed your game. Navigate to the Careers XML file. I strongly advise you export this file and save it to your working folders, especially if you plan to create a lot of careers. This file is a wealth of information and if it's been exported, you can browse even when the game is open. This file contains all the basic coding for the EA careers. If you have an idea of which career the uniforms you want to use have come from, then simply navigate to the career you want to find. All you do is copy the text between the <OutfitMale></OutfitMale> tags and so on. Paste them into your own career. That's it. That's all there is to it. Unless you want to create your own uniforms from scratch. Creating Custom Uniforms From Scratch You Will Need:Sim Outfitter (SIMO) s3pe CAS Texture Unitool (CTU) This process isn't really difficult but it is lengthy and time consuming. Sometimes it can be infuriating so I recommend doing this when you're really in the mood for this kind of thing. The end result is worth the length of time it takes, so try and stick with it if you can. 1) Open up your game. Have a browse through the CAS clothing sections and decide what items of clothing you want to use at each level. Sometimes taking screenshots can be handy for reference, especially if you decide to use clothes from one of the EPs or SPs. Make sure to note down which preset you want to use - this will save time when you compile the outfit. 2) Once you've decided, close the game down and open CTU and s3pe. In s3pe, open up the FullBuild0 file, found: C:\...\The Sims 3\GameData\Shared\Packages\FullBuild0. EP clothing can found in the respective folders. 3) In CTU, find the item of clothing you're looking for. Bear in mind, CTU doesn't seem to read EP clothing - only Base Game. If you've chosen, say, a top, some trousers and some shoes, then start with one of them. Once you see the CAS item, click on it and you'll see the mesh name. 4) In s3pe, find that mesh name. (At this point, EP clothing makes this process a little trickier because you can't see the item. So be prepared for a bit of hit and miss). 5) Find the CASP file for your clothing. Right-click and select Export --> to file and save it somewhere sensible. Having a separate folder for your uniforms makes sense. 6) Do this for all the pieces of your uniforms. 7) Once you've got everything exported, open up SIMO. 8) When the program loads, type in your outfit name. I usually go for something like: careername_careernamelevel_male. So for example, in my Advertising career, it looks like: advertising_advertisinglevel1_male. Make a note of this name, you will need it later. 9) Now select Add CAS parts --> Add from CASP file. 10) Select the first piece of your outfit. A popup will open asking if this is the correct piece. Say yes and it will ask which preset you want to use. Choose your preset and press Continue. Do this for all the pieces of that uniform. 11) You'll see now that the program has automatically ticked the correct age and gender for your uniform, based on the CAS parts you imported. This is great and does not need touching. 12) When you've finished, you need to save the file. Now, this is sometimes a little temperamental so try and be patient with it. Click File --> Write outfit file. Choose your working folder and press save. If all goes well, you'll have a OUTFIT file in your folder with the CASP files. 13) Repeat this for every uniform you want to make for your career. 14) Now the uniforms are ready, go to your career in s3pe and select Resource --> Import --> from file and navigate to one of your Outfit files. Do this for all of them and say yes to all popups. 15) As the files are now in the package, we need to get the career to recognise them. So open up the .Careers file in Notepad or Notepad ++ and find the first level you want to add a uniform for. Make sure you're got the right code in for uniforms (mentioned above). You simply type the outfit name into the space. Do that for all ages and both gender, if applicable. 16) Repeat until all levels have their uniforms assigned. Save everything and pat yourself on the back! Adding a Custom Preset
After a lot of experimenting, I found a way to make custom presets for EA clothing. 1) When deciding which pieces of clothing you want to use for your career, use Create-A-Style to get the design you want and make a note of it - the pattern and the HEX codes of the colours. 2) Open CTU and find the item you want to work with. Go to the Designs tab and click Add New Design --> Add New Blank. 3) Go to the Patterns tab. Clock Browse Patterns and find the one you wanted to use. Click OK when you've found it. Near the bottom, there's a small square showing your pattern. If you click that, you'll be able to change the colour. This is where you use the HEX code you made note of earlier. 4) Press OK and after a few seconds, the preview will show the newly edited item of clothing. If your piece has more than one channel, do this for all of them. Simply select Pattern B from the drop down, and so on. 5) When you're done, go to File --> Save As. You can either give it a random name or use the same name as the item has in s3pe. 6) Do this for every piece you want a custom preset for. You can then import them into SimOutfitter as you would normally. It is possible to use custom clothing for your careers. If you created it yourself, then go ahead and include it! If you didn't, make sure you get permission to include it, particularly if you intend to share your career.
Post by MissyHissy on Dec 28, 2019 11:08:50 GMT
The Careers File: Part 3 I'm going to reopen the .Careers File section, purely to show an example of a career with a split branch and uniforms. This section if for reference if you've included all the features from the last two sections. As you can see, this particular level is a branched level and has a customised uniform. This gives you an idea of what your career should look like at this stage. If it does, well done! If not, go back to the earlier sections and see where you went wrong.
Post by MissyHissy on Dec 28, 2019 11:09:16 GMT
Creating Tones The next file we're going to edit is the .Tones file. This file is where all the information for our Skill Building tones will go, so make sure you have that information handy. Right-click on the .Tones file and select Notepad (or Text Editor if you're using Notepad ++). The only parts we're editing here are the BLANKS. < ToneName> The tone name will be in this format: YourCareerTitleTone. YourCareerTitleCareer YourToneTitle Example; CareerCreatorTone.CareerCreatorCareerDebugCode < CareerGuid> This will be your career title. Example; CareerCreator < Skill1> This will be the skill your tone will increase. Example; Logic If you want to have a second skill boosting tone, just copy the code above and add it underneath. As an example, the .Tones file for the Estate Agent career looks like this: So the first tone, Photograph House, builds the Photography skill and the second tone, Negotiate Price, builds on the Charisma skill. Go to File --> Save and close Notepad. Select Yes to continue and save your career package. You can have tones that builds metrics or mood too. The code below shows some possibilities for tones: So you can create tones that only show up at certain levels or in certain branches. You add any of these tags into your own tones to really customise them for your particular career. Experiment a little to see what you can do with them.
Post by MissyHissy on Dec 28, 2019 11:09:39 GMT
Career Events If you're adding opportunities to your career, you'll need to work with the CareerEvents file. This file holds the coding for when your opportunity will show up in your career and how often. Right-click on the .CareerEvents file and open it in your text editor. The first section looks like this: Very simply, just fill the two BLANKS with your career name. The next part of this file looks like this: Again, very easy really. The opening and closing BLANKS should be your career name. < EventType> ~ This should be your career name plus the name of your opportunity. Example: Bartending_DrinksParty < OpportunityName> ~ Exactly the same as above. < Likelihood> ~ How often you want the opportunity to appear. I usually set this at 0.4 (0 being never and 1 being a certainty). So feel free to experiment with this to see what suits you. < AvailableLevels> ~ Literally the levels you want it to appear it. If you want it available for one level only, just put that single number in. However if you want it to be available for levels 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, you put 2:6 in the tag. An important tag if you've split your career into branches is: <BranchName>All</BranchName> This is literally the name of the desired branch. So you copy this section for each opportunity you want to do. NOTE: I advise you to work on one opportunity at a time, or else this can get overwhelming.
Post by MissyHissy on Dec 28, 2019 11:10:04 GMT
Job Opportunities Opportunities can be a little tricky to teach because each one is so specific. They're all very individual and have different qualities and code for each but I will give you the basis of creating an opportunity. I strongly advise you look through the EA opportunity files in the GameplayData package to begin getting an idea of how to code them. For this section, I'll show you how to create a very basic opportunity, involving an interaction at a rabbithole. First of all, open up your .Opportunities file in your text editor. I'm going to break this down into sections again. The first section contains tags that can be used for your opportunities. You don't need to do anything with these, they stay as they are. This is where we're going to code a really basic opportunity. The OpportunitiesSetup section is where you code all the details that go into your opportunity; what's required of your Sim, what will complete the opportunity, do they need anything in their inventory etc. This can become a large section of your opportunity, or very small. It depends what you want the opportunity to do. < GUID> ~ This is the name of the opportunity. This should match the OpportunityName from the CareerEvents file. If they don't match, the code won't read them as the same opportunity so it is vital they're exactly the same. < Icon> Usually the smaller of the two icons from your package file. However, you are welcome to use different icons in your opportunities; this is up to you. < RepeatLevel> ~ Do you want this opportunity to be repeated at each level it's available for? In other words, if your Sim completes this at level 2, should it reappear at level 3? < EventListenerInfo1> ~ This denotes what your Sim needs to do for the opportunity. You can have up to 3 of these in your opportunity. < CompletionEvent> ~ What needs to happen for your opportunity to complete. Here's an example from my Archaeology career: This is a simple opportunity for the Sim to attend a seminar at the school on weekdays, between 8am and 4pm. I'll go over each new tag for you so you can understand what's required. < Timeout> ~ How the deadline is measured. In this example, it's measured in SimDays. < TimeoutData> ~ This value relates to the <Timeout> tag. So in this instance, the opportunity is valid for 5 Sim days. < TimeoutEnd> ~ The hour at which the opportunity will end if it's not completed. <!-- STBL_Key Gameplay/Excel/Opportunities/OpportunitiesSetup: --> ~ This is added to show what the STBL KEY value looks like in your UnhashedKeys later. The code doesn't read this, this is simply for your reference. < Target> ~ The target for the interaction. In this case, the target is a rabbithole. < TargetData> ~ Since we've established the target is a rabbithole, this tag denotes which rabbithole. In this example, it's the School. < TargetInteractionName> ~ The name of your interaction. This is the code that will come after the STBL KEY in your UnhashedKeys. So in that file it will look like: Gameplay/Excel/Opportunities/OpportunitiesSetup:Archaeology_TeachSeminar < TargetInteractionLength> ~ How long do you want the interaction to last? This is measured in Sim minutes. < TargetInteractionDays> ~ What days will this interaction be available at your chosen rabbithole? < TargetInteractionStartTime> ~ The earliest time the interaction will be available. < TargetInteractionEndTime> ~ The latest time the interaction will be available. Both these values will be for each valid say, as detailed above. And that's all there is to it for that section. Remember, if your opportunity is for something else, this section will probably look very different. Now for the next section. The Names section is for the code that will go into your UnhashedKeys and language STBL files later. I'll go through each tag for clarification here. All the BLANKS must be filled in with the same information. Nearly all of these tags must be filled, with the exception of the <SecondaryCompletionText> and <FailureText> tags. The < SecondaryCompletionText> tag is only used if there's is a less than 100% chance of your Sim succeeding with the opportunity. The < FailureText> tag is if the time runs out for the opportunity and it doesn't get completed. Not necessary if you don't have a <Timeout> set in the section above. So the example is: The next section is very easy to complete. It's purely for the requirements for your opportunity. A lot of the time, this can probably be left blank but that will depend of what you need for the opportunity. Very straightforward to code. You can have up to 4 requirements for your opportunity and they can range from requiring certain rabbitholes in the town to certain levels of a skill. What this means is if your sim or town doesn't match the requirement, this opportunity will never show up. So bear this in mind. The example: So because my opportunity requires the Sim to go to the School rabbithole, the opportunity requires a school in the town. If the town you're playing in has no school, this opportunity would never show up for your Sim. The final section is for the rewards for your Sim when they complete the opportunity. Once again, this can get reasonably complex, depending on your opportunity. Included above are the very basic values for the completion but they're not compulsory. The < CompletionWinReward> tags will have details of what your Sim gains when they successfully complete the opportunity. For example: So when a Sim successfully attends that seminar, they will gain some career performance, some money and positive relationships with everyone in the School rabbithole. Of course, come completions might be a little more complex. Here's another example, this time from my Environmental Scientist career: The < CompletionWinChance> tag means there's no guarantee the completion of the opportunity will be successful. In this particular opportunity, the Sim has to conduct a field survey and present the results which will either generate a positive or negative result. So the value of 50 means there's a 50% chance of either outcome. This is where your <SecondaryCompletionText> tag comes in from the <Names> section above. Therefore, the <CompletionWinReward> tags mean the rewards the Sim will get if the outcome is positive but the < CompletionLossReward> tags mean the sim still followed the steps and completed the opportunity but the outcome wasn't positive. This is different from the < FailureReward> tag because the latter means the 'penalty' your Sim will incur because the timer ran out and the Sim didn't complete the opportunity. There's so much you can add to an opportunity and I've barely scratched the surface in this section of the tutorial. I advise you to look through the EA files for practical examples of how things are done. You're also free to open up any of my careers and have a poke around. I like to experiment with my opportunities and get creative with them. Note: A lot of my older opportunities have a <SecondaryCompletionText> tag in the Names section when they don't actually need it. This is because at that time, Arsil and I had no idea what it did but I've experimented further since. So don't feel you MUST include that tag because unless you're using the <CompletionWinChance> later, you don't need it. Once you've filled this section out for your opportunity, save and close the text editor. Save the career package and take a breather. You've done really well to make it this far!
Post by MissyHissy on Dec 28, 2019 11:10:37 GMT
Books, Books and More Books The Book file is an optional addition for your career. It's largely used when you have journals as a metric and are therefore using the OmniJournal entries. However it's also used it you were to include a book for an opportunity. The Book file is where you hold the code for any custom books or journals you create. Let's take a look at the OmniJournal first. I'll be using examples from my Archaeology career as this has a full set of custom journals. So this is the basic code for the set of journals. The only BLANKS to fill in here are the < Author> and <C areerName> tags. These are fairly self explanatory. They will apply to every journal in the set so you don't have to add these two tags to each journal. So for the example: So as you can see, I edited the <Author> and <CareerName> tags here. If you wanted, you could also make changes to the <GeometryState> and <MaterialState> tags, which define what your journals will look like. However if you decide to leave them, they will resemble the medical journals from the base game. Each journal set will require this: A journal set is the set of books that will be applied for each level that you have the Journal set as a metric. So if you decided that levels 3 - 8 had reading journals as a metric, you'd need a different set for each level (levels 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 in the example). < Title> ~ This is just a generic title for this set - not for individual books in the set. That comes later. < CareerLevel> ~ Which level is this set for? < MaxEdition> ~ How many journals do you want this set to have? Your Sim will bring a different journal home each day so bear this in mind. I often go for 5 which means they'll bring a different journal home every day for 5 days. If after 5 days the sim hasn't been promoted, they'll simply go round again. You'll see there's also an option for <Length> and < Value> in this entry. You can edit these if you like but I tend the leave them alone. If you do change the Length of the journal, just bear in mind your Sim needs to read these every day, so don't make them too long. Example: So quite easy really, aren't they? If however you're coding for a book that you want a Sim to read for an opportunity, the format is a little different. As you can see, the tags are quite easy to fill out. You only have to change the Title and Author, although feel free to edit other tags in this section. Here's another example of a book from my Archaeology career, this time for an opportunity, not a journal: As you can see, it's fairly easy to get custom booklists set up for your career. I'll be covering the KEY lines in the UnhashedKeys and language files in a while. For now, save the file and your package because you've done very well.
Post by MissyHissy on Dec 28, 2019 11:11:06 GMT
The UnhashedKeys STBL This can be a little time consuming, so don't be afraid to do this in small chunks. Firstly, open up a new Notepad file and paste the following into it. Everything has an explanation next to it for easy reference. Simply delete anything you don't need for your career. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *NOTE: If you've included a split branch, the format changes a little after the split. Example; If your career splits after level 5, then the level 6 lines will look like this: So where in a standard career, the line states: "PromotionLevel6", a split branch one replaces the word 'Level' with the name of the branch. This helps the code to distinguish between the two level 6s. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once you've filled in all the BLANKS, you need to hash each line. To do this, go back to s3pe and go to Tools --> FNV Hash. It brings up a small box. Copy the first line of code and paste it into the 'Text to hash' box. Press 'Calculate'. Copy the FNV64 code (you can ignore the others, they're not used in the careers) and paste that into the BLANK between the <KEY></KEY> tag above the line you copied. For example, this is what the first line of my Archaeology UnhashedKeys looks like: Do this for the entire document, then save it to your working folder. Name it something simple, like "Archaeology UnhashedKeys" so it's easy to find. Now navigate to your working folder. You'll need to extract the STBL creator into your working folder and drag the UnhashedKeys file and drop it onto the STBL creator. This will produce a near identical file, except this will be an STBL. Go back to your career in s3pe. Rename the UnhashedKeys file to match your own and right click on the file. Select 'Replace' and find your new STBL file. Select that and accept the changes. Save at this point! You've now got your UnhashedKeys file imported into your career. Well done, we're nearly there!